Symposium on the Application of Neural
Networks to the Earth Sciences:
Seventh International Symposium
on Mineral Exploration
TECHNICAL PROGRAM The Symposium will focus on solving society's earth science problems with neural networks. Main topics are: -Resources (mineral, energy, and biological) LOCATION: Conference Center, 500 Severyns , NASA Moffett
Field, Mountain View (in Silicon Valley), California ACCOMMODATIONS: Please see: http://mtcc.arc.nasa.gov/ DATE: August 20 and 21, 2002 Updated information will be available at our Symposium Home-Page: http://staff.aist.go.jp/roy.kouda/isme7.html. SPONSORED: by Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan (MMIJ), the US Geological Survey, and NASA CALL FOR PAPERS: Original papers are invited on the subjects described in the above TECHNICAL PROGRAM. Participants wishing to present papers are requested to fill in the Registration Form and to return it with the abstract not later than March 15, 2002. The Organizing Committee will review the abstracts and reply to potential speakers by April 15, 2002. Each registered participant will be allowed to present a maximum of two papers. Only papers of participants registered before June 15, 2002 will be included in the proceedings volume. The full papers will be published in appropriate journals. REGISTRATION: Those who wish to attend the symposium are asked to fill in and return the Registration Form not later than June 15, 2002. Participants wishing to present papers are requested to send the Registration Form not later than March 15, 2002, to the secretary of ISME-VII'02, Kathy Linale, klinale—usgs.gov,. The registration fee will be 200 US$. Late registration will be 300 US$. LANGUAGE: The official language of the symposium will be English. PRE-REGISTRATION: (Participants who wish to present a paper should return this form with an abstract not later than March 15, 2002. Participants who will not be presenting papers may return this form not later than: June 15, 2002.) Submitted contributions will be accepted for oral presentation after review by at least two referees. Interested contributors should submit one-page abstract of 200 to 400 words in English without figures or references before March 15, 2002. PLEASE TYPE:
PAYMENT: If you remit the registration fee to the Local Organizing Committee, please note the method of payment below. (Credit cards also being considered.) PERSONAL CHECKS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AND NO OTHER CURRENCY THAN US DOLLARS SHOULD BE USED. Bank Check(Draft) Date of Payment Please complete this form and return it not later than March 15, 2002, with the abstract. Participants who will not present papers should return this form not later than June 15, 2002. Date / / Signature INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS: Please use this form to submit your preliminary abstract. The organizers will select the presentations to be included in the program of ISME 2002 on the basis of the preliminary abstract. You may also send your preliminary abstract by regular mail so that it arrives by March 15, 2002. Interested contributors should submit one-page abstract of 200 to 400 words in English without figures or references. Please include all required information with your submittal. Mail your preliminary abstracts to: ADDRESSES FOR CORRESPONDENCE: The organizing committee will make every possible effort to help and assist you. For submission of abstracts or further assistance, contact:
If your preliminary abstract is selected, the information will be published in the program and proceedings. The organizing committee will communicate with the corresponding author on all matters. All fields marked with an asterisk * must be completed for the preliminary abstract to be accepted electronically.
No illustrations in this initial abstract, please--this preliminary abstract is for presentation approval only. Illustrations will be allowed in the Extended Abstracts. The format of the Extended Abstract will be provided at a later date.
If submitting your preliminary abstract over the Internet, PLEASE DO NOT duplicate by sending another copy by post (mail). Please include complete information requested on this form because these data will be published in the program and proceedings. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Dr. Ryoichi Kouda, Geological Survey of Japan, roy.kouda—aist.go.jp FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT The final announcement will be sent in early July, 2002, to all who reply to this announcement. @ (isme7_1st.doc 40KB) @©Original Document |